Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) is one of the founding associates of IST-ID and, through partnership agreements, makes available the majority of facilities where IST-ID activities are carried out. IST is the largest and most reputed school of engineering, science and technology in Portugal. Since its creation in 1911, IST mission contributes to the development of society by providing top quality higher education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as developing Research, Development and Innovation activities providing top quality teaching inline with the highest international standards. Its mission is therefore expressed in the three main attributes of a modern university:  to create knowledge, to transfer skilled professionals and transfer technology to society.


IST-CENTEC will work on different tasks in the project as a leader: from the design basis of the environmental conditions to be considered for the offshore PV installations as well as the design of the possible mooring configurations to the study on the structural reliability of the floating PV structures and the identification of possible sites for commercial exploitation after the identification of a planning and regulatory requirements.